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The Evan Lee tutorials is NOW ONLINE!!

Big announcement!!!! The Evan Lee tutorial is NOW ONLINE!!

I have a big goal, I want to establish a painting database for nature & artificial stuff as many as I can. You'll not only see the 4K-quality tutorial but also get the PSD file of it. 

And the most important, all of it will be "FREE!!!!!!!!!"

If you're a student, or you want to be an illustrator, I believe here is the good place to learn. Just keep track of I'll at least update a new tutorial per week~ 

The only thing I have to mention is the language I use for the tutorials will be all Chinese! I know there are so many viewers around the world to come to visit my site every day(I know because I can see the dashboard of it). I should use English to help more people to learn the skill. But the truth is, Chinese is my native language, I can use it for teaching very smoothly. Maybe one day I can have someone to help me to translate it for free....just maybe, Lol!!

Anyway, I hope all of you guys can still get the points via the high-quality records & PSD files. 

So stick with me, let's ROCK!!!!





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