The sexiest Cyber Cat is coming!
Limited pre-order link限量預購連結: This Cyber Cat is a collaboration I...
大家好久不見~ EVANLEE官網正式開啟了討論區的功能~ 論壇取名為概念酒吧, 希望會是一個比較放鬆, 且不定期分享關於我概念藝術創作的各種知識和技巧的小天地! 今天我分享了一篇關於設計角色動態的點子, 非常適合具有一定人體繪畫基礎, 但偶爾苦無靈感的繪師們參考~...
My latest figure is here now!
OK! My latest figure is right here! Made by Ein Studio. The experience of this project is very unique because I can participate in the...
Episode 66- Sticky Rice Milk - Liquid Texture
Hi~ Long time no see, everyone! It's been a while without the updating, but don't worry~ I'm still here, just too focused on my latest...
Cyborg Force (plus some of my recent mech concepts )
Hi, It's some of my recent mech concepts from my personal online-class, just share with you guys! Cheers~ 嗨~ ...
Steampunk character design
It's some of my stuff from my 2019 online class demonstration. 這是我2019年網路班的課上示範作品,這次是蒸氣龐克的主題教學,分享給大家囉~ iPhone desktop version iPhone手機桌面版本
Episode 55-Iron Man
嗨~ <同人區>正式新增囉~ 我會持續更新一些我喜歡的角色上去,至於第一發就交給鋼鐵人~這位世界上最出名的超級英雄之一~ 毅峰 Hi~ The new category-<Fanart> is added!!! I'll keep updating some of my...
Episode 54-Domestic Shorthair Cat
Hi~ This is another piece of the reward of my first sweepstakes on Weibo, the first one is "Chinese Rural Dog". Anyway, here is the...
Episode 53- Apple
The <Fruit> category was added ~ I know it's a very basic topic, but I just forgot to put it on the list. Anyway, at least I think Apple...
Episode 52-Wet Clothes
Want a sexy look? Have a pretty girl in wet clothes are definitely the good choice! So today let me share with you and tell you how to...