The Christmas time is coming!!
The Christmas time is coming!! I recently traveled back from Tokyo, and have some lovely stuff for the holiday decoration with me. I must...
Episode 57-Holographic Laser Leather Fabric
Hi, Today I want to share how to draw the holographic laser material in a very easy way, as long as you follow my step! I believe this...
Episode 56-Black Sexy Leather
嗨~ 自從我九月開始跑海外後就有一段時間因為人不在工作室而無法更新免費教學...無論如何,最近我總算找到空檔更新了!希望你們會喜歡囉~ 毅峰 Hi, It's been a while I didn't upload the free tutorial since I...
Hi! Everyone! I’ll have some business trip in this two months. Therefore, the update of the free tutorial will be paused for a while. But...
Episode 55-Iron Man
嗨~ <同人區>正式新增囉~ 我會持續更新一些我喜歡的角色上去,至於第一發就交給鋼鐵人~這位世界上最出名的超級英雄之一~ 毅峰 Hi~ The new category-<Fanart> is added!!! I'll keep updating some of my...
Episode 54-Domestic Shorthair Cat
Hi~ This is another piece of the reward of my first sweepstakes on Weibo, the first one is "Chinese Rural Dog". Anyway, here is the...
Episode 53- Apple
The <Fruit> category was added ~ I know it's a very basic topic, but I just forgot to put it on the list. Anyway, at least I think Apple...
Episode 52-Wet Clothes
Want a sexy look? Have a pretty girl in wet clothes are definitely the good choice! So today let me share with you and tell you how to...
Episode 51-Jet Engine
In my opinion, jet engine is one of the cool stuff of mech elements, actually, I use it as the photobash materials a lot! I love the...
Episode 50-Chinese Rural Dog
Hi, I did my first sweepstakes on my Weibo page last week, and I'll paint for the winner's pet. I thought it's a good opportunity to have...